Wednesday, December 20, 2006

lifeless-ness ...

whoa ...
SUPER long since i update my blog ...

i have been quite lifeless lately ...
living between work ... sickness ... unhappiness ...

i always try to find somethings happy out of all the unhappiness and
thank God ...
i've managed to go till so far =)

i got a lot of pics from edwinn ... i'll upload and caption it one by one ... k?

but not now ... coz my sis wanna use com for her assignments ....

Friday, December 15, 2006

puked ^3

ok ... is a few days post again ...

my stoning continued ... all the way till now ...
i dunno when will all these end ...
but i sure hope it ends soon ...

wed ...

noon ... happy moment after mc d ^^ seriously brighten up my day ...

i got 2 free movie tix at times square ...
nobody teman me watch ... finally reno offered =)
went there .. only cicakman & happy feet showing at 7pm ...
since i watched happy feet twice ... i choosed cicakman ....
it was a BLOODY STUPID show ...
seriously BLOODY stupid ....
halfway through out the show we went out... beh ta han ...

bought laptop bag for sis with reno =)
then we walk around and walk around ...
then a friend fetched me home ... happy that someone cared for me enough to fetch me home ^^

the next day ...
mood whole day was UP ...
coz got some "words" from shu wei + some truth the day before =)

dept lunch during lunch time ... at donyaku ...
enjoyed it with all cockroaches and bosses ...
after that they suggested dessert at secret receipie ... service was BAD ...
but i still ate quite a lot happily =)

then ... after work ...
kaimin bring me go some hong kong restaurant eat ...
i start feeling sick on the way .. but just kept quiet to not spoil his mood ...

sat down ... ordered cheese bake rice ... kaimin ordered some mee ...
ate less than half ... and i started to feel like puking ... SHIT ...

can't finish my food [of coz] ... went into the car ... feel super not right ...
ppl start callng me bout the maison's plan at night ...
i insist on goin even though kaimin say i'm crazy ...
can't hold any longer ...
PUKED ... inside a plastic bag =) ^^lucky kaimin's car^^

finally reach home ... called for help .. if he din come .. i really dunno wat to do ...
friend's calls still coming in asking bout maison ...
i still feel like going SO MUCH ...
but was stopped by everybody that sees my condition ...
so i had to break the news to ppl ...


haih ... still wished i went ...

puked another 2 times throughout the night ...

this morning wake up ... cannot tahan ...
decided not to go work ...
called kaimin ... asked him to bring me see doc .. coz i think i need medication ...

he came ... saw doc ... he say it was food poisoning ....
damn those cockroaches .... CONFIRM is them ... hmph ....

went home ... slept ... till now ...

update blog .. with a feeling of emptiness in me ...

my dear friend is also not in good condition ...
wish she will be better ...

i can't help but wonder wat is happening ...

Dear God ... are u trying to tell me something? ...


erica tagged me =)
here it goes!

Layer one: On the outside
Name: Tan Ming Kee
Birth date: 6th Feb 1988
Current status: seriously conplicated
Eye colour: Dark brown
Hair colour: Proudly brown
Righty or lefty: Righty
Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Layer two: On the inside
Your heritage: proud to be Pure Chinese
Your fears: alone in this world in despair with nobody caring for me [which happens quite often]
Your weaknesses: emo-ness, jealousy ... [i'm not sure ... anybody tell me ... i'll be glad to listen ...] Your perfect pizza: no capsicum, no cucumber, no onion

Layer three: Yesterday, today, tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: should i go to work today?
Your bedtime: around 1-2am
Your most missed memory: the happy times with HIM

Layer four: Your pick
Pepsi or Coke: it taste the same to me
McDonald's or Burger King: they are the same to me too .. hmmm ... McD la
Single or group dates: HAPPY dates
Adidas or Nike: same to me again
Lipton tea or Nestea: con someone tell me the difference?
Chocolate or vanilla: depends on my mood =)
Cappuccino or coffee: i don't drink coffee

Layer five:
Do youSmoke: NO
Curse: Erm ....

Layer six: In the past month
Drank alcohol: Yupp
Gone to the mall: Yupp
Been on stage: i'm ALL THE WHILE on the stage of life
Eaten sushi: Yesterday ... and food poisoning after that .. .ARGH!
Dyed your hair: Yupp

Layer seven: Have you ever?
Played a stripping game: Erm ...
Changed who you were to fit in: i'm not sure ...

Layer eight
Age you're hoping to be married: 20++

Layer nine: In a girl/guy
Best eye colour: i prefer to look at his heart colour ...
Best hair colour: i prefer to look at his mind colour ...
Short or long hair: i prefer to know he wants the relationship to be short or long

Layer ten: What were you doing
1 minute ago: the tag?
1 hour ago: Sleeping
4.5 hours ago: At the clinic?
1 month ago: Studying for exams?
1 year ago: Erm ... forgot ...

Layer eleven: Finish the sentence
I love: to be cared ...
I feel: Tired ... Tired of my life ...
I hate: it when ppl leave me in despair ...
I hide: everything i dun want ppl to know ...
I miss: your care ...
I need: all my friends and U ...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

stoning and stoning

nothing much happened these few days ...
or maybe its that my mind is too busy to realise things going on around me ...

got my result today ...
it SUX big time ...
please dun ask ... thx ...

i'm still in the "stoning" mode ...
stone everywhere i go ...
especially at work ...

ok la now i try to recalled wat happened ...
basically i went out everynight ...
but i really dunno wat i'm doin around coz ... i dunno ...

i feel lifeless ... i'm leaning on my friends for support ...
once they are gone ... i can feel myself breaking down ...

went fun fair one of the day ...
took away moon's "first time" of sitting a temporary fun fair game =)
i can't really rmb the feeling up there ... was abit terrifying .. but i just stonned the whole ride ...

i dun like the HUGE JAM everymorning ...
iits like fighting to get into monorail ...
fighting to get into lrt ... its so stressful ...

life IS stressful ...
to a point that stress overwhelmed me and i can feel it on me so heavy that i'm suffocated ...

but don't u all worry ...
i'll hang on ...
till the very last minute .. when God decides i'm ready for afterlife ...
i promise =)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

jusco + asia cafe

friday was an unusually eventful working day for me ...
sneezing & blowing my nose non stop in office ...

after work ... went to jusco with my sis and bought some stuffs ...

i keep trying on hair bands and caps i dunno why ...

can't name everything i bought ... coz can't really rmb ...
after that i'm suppose to meet up with moon dude and alan for drink ...
but due to some unforseeable circumstances ... it was cancelled ...

however ... something even more UNEXPECTED happened ...
i'm not going to blog bout the whole matter but i just would like to say ...

there are choices in life we MUST make ...
we CANNOT have it ALL ...
sacrifice is a must to a happy life ...

rmb wat i explained to u bout 四舍五入 ?

ok ...

to put the stupid things aside ...
went asia cafe ytr night =)
for a drink and makan ...

jungkuan, chengyu and another guy i can't rmb the name but it sounded like bar-ney reach first ...
even before us ...
so when me and mhui reach ... we went to find them =)

ordered millenium chicken rice ...
i damn hungry but just dun feel like eating ...

after food ... we chat and camwhored =)

:: me & jungkuan ::
he seriously look like jean ...

he warned me not to put on my blog ... but i can't resist ...
so i just put two la ... k? ^^

jungkuan say i changed a lot ..
from a good girl become a "naughty" girl ...
he say coz i DYED my hair ... Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

jiajin joined us after that ...

:: meihui & jiajin ::

:: jiajin & me ::

then shuwei and derrick reached and i went to chat with them ...

then jungkuan called me to play foosbal ... and i kena trash KAO KAO ...
they [jungkuan chengyu & "bar-ney"] went back first ...

then dude and allan came FINALLY ...

:: me & dude ::

nothing much happened after that ...

we just played pool then went home bout 3sth ...

Saturday, December 9, 2006

counting my blessings

its been a long itm since i update my blog with decent post ...

in this post ... i'm goin to count my blessings as inspired by my dear friend lengzai wey...

i know its quite hard for me to count my blessings at this time since my heart is full of hatred and rage ...
but i sitll wanna do it to show that God AlMighty can help me control all my emotions ...

i wanna thank God .. for letting me live till today ...
letting me know Jesus as my Saviour ...
letting me go through all the challenges i have to face to be prepared for after life ...
letting me see how bad things can be before letting me see the thing i'm going to get ...

i wanna thank God for giving me friends that care for me ...

dearest pang han, kai min, reno and also my gan fu - dude =)

my ex classmates:
xien, kendrick, jona, eric, nuogeng ...
although u all always shoot me .. but i still like laming with u all =)
not to forget kevin, sooktheng, peivoon, siewling ... and to those i missed out .. sorry ...

my baobeis :: moon & meihui =) -- love u all damn lots ...

and my family ...
i know i always complain and raise hatred at them ...
but i still love them ... myMUM and mySIS =)

next my house ... my room ...
thank God for giving me a shelter ...
to live in ... a bed to sleep in ...

my bag .. my accessories . my clothes .. my food ...
and everything i own ... THANK GOD ...

last but not least ...
the relationship i had ... each and every relationship i learnt something ...

all sad and happy things also i will treasure ... up and down i will learn from it ...

and i'll always rmb :

God promises a safe landing ... not a calm passage ...

Thursday, December 7, 2006


i'm SERIOUSLY unhappy ...

i dunno y but i'm unhappy ...
feel damn unwanted .. like nobody bothers to talk me ...
i know ... those of u who called me and chatted with me ...
but .. i still feel damn no life ...
i dunno wat is happening to me ... just feel damn down and unhappy ....
somebody please bring me out of this pain .. i need a break ...

i seriously need a break ...

Wednesday, December 6, 2006


i am living a live that is totally NOT mine !!~~


with my emotions controlled by MYself ...
and my activities decide by MYself ...


Tuesday, December 5, 2006

julie's birthday

was working both days sat & sun ...

our roadshow is located at a damn "ulu" place ...
and u can guess wat happened to the sales la ...

after work on sat nite .. went to julie's party @ maison AGAIN ...
didn't stop long coz iw as damn DAMN damn tired plus somebody is emo ...
no ... actually most of us were emo ...
something unhappy happened before we go ...
to all that emo-ed ... SORRY ...
forget the bad things and just rmb the happy parts ... k?

:: happy birthday JULIE =) ::
this is the only pic i have with u on that day for now

stayed there bout 1hr plus then edwinn fetch me home ...
took DAMN LOTS pics ... but none of then is with me ... will upload when i get it ...

and today ...

i just don't like office jobs ...
sitting at a same place for a long time makes me feel like sleeping ...
i wonder wat shoud i do after i graduate .. i really can't do office jobs la ...

someone recomend me some job that is interesting enough to keep me working la ...
otherwise i'll just find a rich guy and get married and live happily ever after =)

Friday, December 1, 2006

take passport + maison

went to take passport ytr ...
it took me less than 1 hour to get my new passport
with a MUCH prettier face of mine =)

initial plan was movie with baobeis after that ...
but since i too tired and some other reasons ... plan OFF d ...

and i DROVE HOME ...
all the way from subang airport to my house
WITHOUT BANGING into anything =) **bangga**

went home ... continued my beauty sleep to prepare for tonight maison again ...
bout 7 sth .. i woke up ...
heard BIG changes in plan ...

FEW friends ffk-ed and transport problem and all ...
ended up i get the feeling that ONLY ME and MOON going ...

depressed ... we still go ...

on the way there ..
edwinn called .. he say he at my house downstairs ... he pick me to maison now ...
i was like "huh?" ...
rupa rupa-nya he tot nobody fetch us go so he baik hati come fetch us ...

so i told him to terus come maison .. luckily he never emo at me ... hehe ...
reach there .. dude is there already =)
enjoyed ^^

pics all with edwin ... coz AS USUAL moon's camera no batt ...

then TODAY - FRIDAY =)
morning wake up .. supre sien-ed ...
online ... chat with mhui ...
suddenly ... she is on the way to my house to pick me and moon up for pc fair ^^

on the way there .. me and moon sit behind and camwhore

reach there .. parked ...
then walked pc fair with EVERYBODY's purse empty .. haha ...

then me and moon went to buy tix ...
but kena sabotage by someone then tak jadi buy tix ... haih ...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

bye bye virgin hair ...

my morning started with a real down feeling as i dun feel like waking up to face the world ...

anyway ... moon waked me up with a call ...

"mingkee so today wanna go dye hair?"

as those of u who know me long enough ...

its been AGES since i say i wanna dye hair ... rite? ...

haha .. so i agreed to go ...

bout 3 sth ... moon called and say she is coming ...

i went down and wait with a very heavy heart ...
[i dunno coz i scared i will miss my VIRGIN hair ... or coz ... i'm not happy ...]

took few pics of me and my black hair ... last few moments with my virgin hair ....

finally moon came ... and we went to the saloon ...

the feeling of me going to loose my black hair or to loose some other ppl is too heavy ...
took few more pics with my dear black hair ...

the hairdresser choose a color for me and i'm quite ok with it so the hair dying started ...

sat there for soo many hours ...

playing puzzle bobble ... read magazines .. puzzle bobble ... mags ...

till bout 7pm ...

my hair is done =)

can't really see the colour in the pics ... but if u meet me .. u can tell my hair color changed =)

moon's hair turend out ok too .. she highlighted purple ...
will upload her hair pics after getting permission from her =)

read may's blog ...
read the lyrics .. feel it suits my mood now ...

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don’t belong
And no one understands you

Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming

No you don’t know what it’s like
When nothing feels alright
You don’t know what it’s like to be like ME

To be hurt To feel lost To be left out in the dark
To be kicked When you’re down To feel like you’ve been pushed around

To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one’s there to save you
No you don’t know what it’s like
Welcome to my life

Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more
Before your life is over?

Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With the big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside you’re bleeding

No you don’t know what it’s like
When nothing feels alright
You don’t know what it’s like to be like me
To be hurt To feel lost To be left out in the dark
To be kicked When you’re down To feel like you’ve been pushed around

To be on the edge of breaking down

And no one’s there to save you

No you don’t know what it’s like ... Welcome to my life ...

to make my life better ...
my sis is going out to get me RAMLI buger -- my FIRST decent meal of the day ...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

nov 25 - nov 28

wah ... never update my blog for 3 [almost 4] days d ...

now i'm sitting at JS @ ss15 ... seriously nbtd ... so i decided to BLOG ...
as quoted by xien ... we blog when we are BORED and sien ...

i'll start this blog with saturday -nov 25-'s events ... let me recall ...

hmm ...

i totally forgot wat i did on saturday morning ... so that means nothing much i guess ...

then at nite .. i went ... SODA ... muahaha ...
moon's fault la ... always ask me go club club club ...

basically soda nothing much la ... the dj i REALLY no comments ...
but now i know y dj goldfish [the dj at maison on thursday] ROX ...

all of us were half dunk and we went home bout 3am ...

then sunday -nov 26- ...

i rmb cleaning my house EARLY in the morning ... [ YES i'm a good girl =) ]

then went out to ss2 makan with oj ... then we went one u to jalan jalan ...
something ALMOST spoilt my day but eventually it turned into a good thing =)

at one u ...
as usual ... movie tix first ...
after comparing between heavenly mission and battle of wits ...
we decided on heavenly mission coz got more leng chais =p

we walk around and decided to be SUPER civilize and went into MPH ...
once again ... [ YES i'm a good girl =) ]

we read till almost movie time .. and went down to get some food ...
we ate rotiboy + otak otak + tako tao and bought cheezels + mars to eat in cinema ...

heavenly mission was ok la ... i feel its quite meaningful ...
oj say the whole movie can be told in four words : 回头是岸 [turning into a new leaf] ...

after movie ... my stomach calling for food ...
note: its not ME calling for food ... its MY STOMACH okay ...

so we went to murni's ...
we just ordered mango special + roti hawaii + lou shi funn [mouse noodle] ...
finished food then go home coz oj gtg meet another friend ...

monday -nov 28-

did nothing whole morning besides sleeping ...
till noon ... oj call say bring me go makan ...
waited for him for "15mins" ... and makan and managed to reach home b4 5pm =)

then my mum say wanna go watch happy feet ...
i totally dun mind watching 2nd time ... so we headed to mid valley ...

bought tix @ 7.15pm ...
to kill time and the noise made by our stomach ... we went to kim gary ...
makan stone rice and korean mee ...
my mum complained bout the stone that is still damn hot when she finish eatingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

then went to watch movie ...
i still love watching baby mumble "dancing" ... soooooo damn cuteeee ~~~ ...

then we went to my aunt's house ...
talk bout my cousin's wedding this sunday ... and my internship in ING starting next week ...

oh ... have i mention that i'm stucked in ING for TWO WHOLE MONTHS ?!
yes .. whole of dec and jan ... mon-fri ... 8.30-5.30pm ... as INTERN [rm600/month]
i know ... its damn little .. i dun wanna mention how i ended up in this job ...

so anybody that pass by the raja chulan area during lunch time PLEASE call me out for lunch ...

then home & sleep after a long phone call with my lou po ...

finally ... TODAY -nov 28- ...
went to update my passport ...
poor shanker have to fetch me & my sis at 7am ...
drive all the way to subang airport when me and my sis get to sleep soundly in the car ...

reach bout 7something and started lining up a bloody long Q for dunno how long just to take number Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
then makan some canteen food ...
then ... my waiting starts ...
wait ... wait ... wait ... wait ... wait ...
and shanker have to leave for some interview ...
so i continue waiting alone ... wait ... read mag ... wait ... read news paper ... wait ... wait ...
finally ... MY TURN ...

blury gave all my documents ... i dunno wat that fella tell my but i think its something bout wait for my number again to pay ...
so i continue ... wait ... wait ... wait ... wait ... wait ... [wait to pay rm300 ... ]
then i realise ... i better start finding transport home ... coz ... shanker's interview ending bout 2.30pm ...
so i start calling ... called : oj .. moon .. cheam ... gordon ..
and the SUPER HANDSOME GORDON is the MAN !!~~
he can fetch me ... so he came ... along with way khong [that lead the way] =)

so they fetched me to ss15 ... makan @ anfield ... then went to watch adp drama finals ...

all 3 drama was damn nice ... enjoyed myself and managed to forget some not-so-happy feelings thats growing in me ...

then went rafi makan due to skinny ben's persuasion ... and after that .. here i am with cheam and his friends ... watching them play dota and me updating my blog =)

i guess thats all ... its a damn long post ... i'll upload pics later when i go home coz the pcs here cannot download ANYTHING ....

Friday, November 24, 2006

sg wang + maison =)

p.s. penang pics are up [click here to view the post]

went shopping @ sg wang & clubbing @ maison yesterday =)

after i wake up ... i called moon ...

and we decided to go sg wang to shop for a pair of BLACK heels for me ...

so we bathed and changed and took lrt + monorail bout 3pm ...

we were both VERY hungry by the time we were there ...

so while thinking of where to eat ...
we shopped around ...
we went into a shop [the pink pussy cat] coz i saw the display top was DAMN nice ...
its a long sleeve V neck with hood and its rm69 ... its a lot for me ...
so all i did was trying it =)

and moon picked a shirt to try

and we exchange shirt to try =)

and i ended up buying this

and i put it on straight away coz i dun really like the shirt i'm wearing ...
moon and i both bought a few other pieces ^^

then we decided we REALLY need to get some food coz we were damn hungry ...
so we went to madam wong's ...
i ordered thai chicken rice set + ice lemon tea for rm6.90 [its cheap & nice] and moon ordered red bean soup + ice watever -,-

then we continue shopping ...

went this shop full of very REAL fake shirts ...

fell in love with the sweater .. but its rm89.90 [WAY out of budget] ...

then moved on ...

found a satisfying heels from fabiano ricco something like that ...

after refilling our purse ... moon went back to the previous shop and got a pants ...

finally we feel the tired-ness [its already 9.30pm] so we sat at delifrance and ordered something while waiting for jiajin to pick us up to maison ...

while waiting ... oj called ... saying that he come pick us up ...

after got into oj's car ... we headed to jalan alor to eat ...

i ordered some bihun that taste and feels like rubberband ...
as alan quote: its as kenyal as rubberband...
while oj ordered something that is FULL of onion and i decided not to try it ...

while there ... alan, dude and jiajin came to meet us ...

then we headed to pick up shinyin ... but something came up and she couldn't make it so we moved to maison without her ...

reached maison ... saw a lot of tbs people and we sat outside to wait for others [meihui, alvin, jess, serene ...] ...

after they reach we went in and enjoyed ourselves =)

[some pics we took]

:: serene mingkee ::

:: serene mingkee jess ::

:: serene jess moon meihui ::
[i'm not in the pic coz some drunk fella is asking me not to drink so much Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting]

:: serene jess moon mingkee meihui ::

we left bout 3something ...
NONE of us got caught in road block ^^

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

an email that i feel is trying to tell me something ...

i just read an email ...
and i feel its trying to tell me something ... something that i've wondered and feared ...

the email is about a story ... of a girl ...

she have this boyfriend -- A ... caring and everything ...
everynight when she misses him ... she call her phone ... and he will be there to pick up ...

she asked him "why haven't sleep?"
he replied ... "coz i wanna make sure u are able to find me when u miss me" ...

then something happened ... they broke up and the girl got another boyfriend -- B ...
B is also caring and all ...
but the only thing is ...
a lot of times ... when she misses him .. she can't find him coz his hp is off ...

she grumbled about his hp that is always off .. and he gave excuses ...
and whenever they are together ...
B will off his hp ..
saying that he doesn't want to be bothered by other calls when he is with her ...

and the girl accidently found out B have another girl ...
now she understand y the he always have to off his hp ...
the brokeup ... leaving the girl with a more than broken heart ...

after breakup ... the girl still misses B and called him ...
his phone is off ...
the girl's heart crushed ...

in despair .. she called the A's number ...
and he picked up ...

again ... she ask "why haven't sleep?"
and again ... he replied ... "coz i wanna make sure u are able to find me when u miss me" ...

the girl cried ...

p.s. anybody that wanna see the full picture and all of this email can msg me ... but please note that its in chinese ...

Monday, November 20, 2006

starting of my LONG holidays ...

today is the fourth day of my holidays =)

on the first day ... i went out with classmates to mid valley then stevens ... the whole trip is NICEly blogged by xien in his blog entitled Freedom Celebration =)

on the second day ... i went to penang for ONE day ... to send my sis to meet her friends so she can go langkawi the next day =.=
at 6am sharp i was awaken by my mum ... saying that shanker is on his way to our house d ... i was like "huh? i haven't even start sleeping ... " coz the day before we went home quite late ...
so i brushed teeth ... changed ... and dragged my self into the car ... and continue sleeping ZZZ ...

after sometime i woke up due to the pain my butt is suffering from and i heard people in the car [my mum, my sis, shanker & me] saying that we are heading to IPOH ... i have not enough energy to ask why and anything and all i know is i doozed off again ZZZ...

i'm not sure wat happened ... but i awake feeling my bladder bursting and i NEED toilet ... so we stopped at a petriol station in ipoh to release ... then my mum suddenly tot of one of her friend that is in ipoh so she called her out ...
and then we went to eat all the way =)

:: camwhore moments ::

first ... we went to a restaurant that serves tiny and cheap dim sums ...
parked our car then we saw a super cute parking machine and my sis say: too bad its saturday ... we don't need to pay .. otherwise we can use this machine ...
after eating we came out and take our car and guess wat is clipped on our wiper? .... a pink SAMAN ... we were all damn speechless and my mum gave rm20 to the aunty to help us pay our saman and we moved on ...

:: starting ::

:: enjoying ::

:: ending ::

:: the cute parking machine ::

:: the pink SAMAN ::
[my mum seems to be quite happy with the saman Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting]

next we went to some temple place to feed tortise ... i can see CLEARLY the tortise chewing the leafs **so cute** ...
:: vege for tortises =) ::

and back to ipoh old town ... i forgot how the conversation started but we somehow mentioned ipoh is famous for sa hor fun so we went to eat that ...

at the coffee shop ... we ordered quite a lot of food [i can't really remember all] ... and half way eating .. OJ called ... i told him i'm at ipoh in a shop eating and he asked me did we order ipoh white coffee ... since our whole family doesn't drink coffee ... i told him we did NOT and he said its not like normal coffee so we ordered one cold and one hot white coffe to try ... and it SUX ... [i forgot to scold oj for that] ... basically our family just can't drink coffee la ...
:: the RETRO taxi we saw ::

finally bout 2pm .. we left ipoh and headed towards penang ... starting another few hours of butt-ache and ZZZ...

half way .. i woke up due to some unfamiliar voices i heard ... and guess wat? ... we were caught by speed trap [or track ... i not sure] ... and the police and shanker and my mum were discussing bout u-know-what ... TWO samans in a day ... *speechless*

i continue my sleep till i was woken up by my SUPER excited sis saying we are on penang bridge ...
:: sleepy face + a tiny part of penang bridge ::

:: penang bridge in full view inside mirror ::

finally ... so after some slight jam .. we reach the shore of penang ... and my sis telling everybody she feel like sitting TRISHAW ... wtf ... i tought ... so we went to look for trishaw and ask bout the price ... it happens to be raining soon and no trishaw were available ... and they say its rm35 per ONE hour ride ... i haven't get any job THAT high pay yet .. so those of u witout a job and have lots of time to spare ... u can SERIOUSLY consider pulling a trishaw ...

after walking around abit and eating rm3 [3*5=15] keropok lekor(s) .. we decided to go gurney i dunno plaza or drive or watever ... journey around the city reminds me A LOT about the history stuffs i studied for the past 8 years ...

we reached a food court that is suppose to be gurney drive but all the hawkers moved to some other place due to tsunami ... so we sat down and ordered EVERYTHING and start eating =) but i didn't eat that much coz i was feeling kinda sleepy ... suddenly it started to rain ... so we whacked up our food and went ran to gurney plaza ... it looks pretty much the same as mid valley ... my sis and mum wasn't in the mood of shopping and some other reasons made us leave that building and moved to batu ferrenggi [i think its spelled like that] ...

at batu feringgi ... we stopped at a place which it so similar to petalling street just that the people that are much more polite compare to kl ones ... so we shopped there and i bought quite a lot of stuffs which according to my mum & sis i bought things from head to toe ... satisfied .. we left ... and headed to USM [my sis's friend's place] to drop off my sis ...

its already bout 11 something by then so we headed home ... i was damn sleepy so i continue ZZZing ... stopped half way to pee and i continue my beauty sleep ...

FINALLY reach home bout 3something .. called shuwei to settle some trouble that troubled me damn long and went to bed ....

damn sick now ... shall blog bout the third day and the SERIOUSLY uneventful fourth day [today] tomorrow ...