Saturday, February 2, 2008

raymond lam

its really not nice for ppl to ffk.
ffk means fong fei kei aka fly kite.
means when u promise u'll be there and u did not appear.

its even more not nice if a lot of ppl is waiting for u.
its even worst if ppl have to pay cover charge to go into that place to wait for u.

and raymond lam did it. he ffk-ed all his fans for the meet fans session at aloha on friday.
seriously wtf.

and i'm sooo not happy with that day.

if u think by paying me rm120 u can ask me to do whatever u like, u're WRONG. my payment is only for my job scope. anything extra u'll have to pay me extra. don't think u can bully me like that just because u're the client. a client who doesn't even know about his own product properly. alcohol lever and bitterness level is different la please. go glue your eyes on the briefing slides before shooting me okay. and please just admit and say sorry if u realise u're wrong. yea it would be embarrassing but what to do, u started it. i respect u as my client but that doesn't mean u can mess with the rules. our job scope is only as told and u can't add or change it when U and only U feel like it. u can fire or complain me, if u don't like me, but u can't ask be do stupid things to "make sure myself is alright" when i don't even know what i did wrong.

please stand in people's shoe before demanding. it u were in my position, will u be doing the same thing or u would have made it worst? ask yourself.

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